Wardrobe That's Failing
Personal style & image confidence
Very early on in my business I determined the main symptoms that my clients had were all around how they FELT around the items in their wardrobes. My work has nothing really to do with the F word (fashion) I don't buy Vogue or keep up with the catwalk trends - it's very much about helping women feel good in their clothes, whatever their age, shape or size. We might nod to trends but it's all about personal style and image confidence NOT being fashionable.
I christened WTF Syndrome - Wardrobe That's Failing...
Nothing to wear
Here are the symptoms of WTF Syndrome – The Project FAB! framework is the remedy for you if can put a tick against one or more of the following:
Always wear the same old things despite a wardrobe full of clothes
Avoid social occasions because you don’t have anything to wear
Bought items ‘that will do’ and you don’t really love
Bought items at the supermarket just because it’s convenient
Bought items just because they fit
Bought random items of clothing that don’t go with anything
Dread shopping for clothes because you don’t know where to shop any more
Feel like you’ve lost your style mojo
Feel self-conscious trying something new
Feel stuck in a rut with your clothes
Feel too old to follow fashion but still want to look on trend
Feel young at heart but don't see it in the mirror
Have a wardrobe full of clothes but ‘nothing’ to wear
Have kids that are getting a bit older and want to get your own identity back
Have lots of similar items in your wardrobe because it’s what you know
Don’t enjoy clothes shopping
Don’t have much time to spend on getting ready every day
Don’t know what suits you any more
Not liked what looks back out of the mirror
Stick to slimming black because it’s easy
Think you can only look stylish if you are tall and slim
Want to look on trend but worried about looking like mutton dressed as lamb
Worried about dressing too old and looking like your mother
Wardrobe detox
I know that if you’ve ever experienced even one of these symptoms it doesn’t feel very nice. If you don’t deal with the symptoms, they can make you feel really fed up and frumpy, your self-esteem can plummet, and you can end up in a very miserable place.
WTF Syndrome can steal your confidence and stop you from doing things. Just the other day I was talking to someone who was considering not even going to a close friend’s birthday party because she was feeling so down on herself. She had nothing in her wardrobe that made her feel good and wasn’t sure where to start.
Imagine turning the syndrome on its head and swapping the Wardrobe That’s Failing into a Wardrobe That’s Fabulous.
What if your wardrobe went through a detox programme and was pared down to only contain things that made you look good and feel amazing?
Can you imagine being able to swish your hangers to and fro in the morning and finding it really easy to choose your outfit for the day?
What if you really loved everything in your wardrobe and you knew that everything in it really suited you. If all your clothes made you feel great when you get dressed every day and were all very ‘you’.
Imagine if you could get dressed for any occasion without stress and know that you are looking and feeling a million dollars. How would you feel as you left the house...ready to conquer the world?
Avoid wardrobe mistakes
Have you ever had that feeling, you put something on, and it just makes you feel like twirling and doing happy dance – I call that a ‘stylegasm’ Nothing can pee on your bonfire when you find something that you love...the initial rush might wear off eventually, but that thing will always be a favourite.
My Project FAB! framework can help you get the feeling more often. It will help you understand why you like some things you’ve bought but they end up at the back of the wardrobe never worn. It will help you avoid making those mistakes in the future. You’ll learn what you like and why. It will help you understand what very ‘you’ is and why it is very ‘you’ – you’ll understand your style personality and be able to make informed choices when it comes to shopping. You’ll gain confidence to try wearing your existing clothes in different ways; to mix and match your stuff so that even though you have less it feels like you’ve got a lot more choice.
Invest in YOU
There are several ways to access my Project FAB! framework depending on how much time and money you want to invest:
The book – available to pre-order now £13.99 (no brainer) a great introduction to me and the way I work
Online self-study course £197 - A step by step guide for you to work through at your own pace
What’s included?
A step-by-step guide for you to work through at your own pace, supported by me and other course members in a private Facebook group. Real ‘ordinary’ women who understand the issues, supporting and inspiring each other through each stage. You have lifetime access to the modules and your own personal log in to the membership site. You can work through entirely at a pace that suits you from the comfort of your own home – you just need internet access.
Can you imagine how it would feel to finally re-find yourself, can you imagine how it would feel to finally re-find yourself, to dress exactly how you like to and in clothes that really suit you, can you imagine that new confidence as you hold your head high and head into that networking meeting, client meeting, conference and not worry about the way you look because you look amazing and feel comfortable too, to feel like you are showing up as the real you? To dress exactly how you like to, in colours and clothes that really suit you and your personality? Can you imagine that new confidence as you hold your head high and walk into that party, restaurant, networking meeting, client meeting, conference and not worry about the way you are dressed because you know you look amazing and feel comfortable too?
This is an absolute no brainer – for a relatively small investment now you will save so much money in the long run.
Think about how many tops you have in your wardrobe right now (that you’ve paid anything between £20-30 and upwards) that you never wear. They might even still have tags on! You even could sell them on eBay and create the money to pay for this course.
In a muddle about what to wear
Here's what Sue had to say after she'd completed the online course...
Before working with Lisa, I was really in a muddle about what clothes/shoes/accessories, I should be wearing, to a point where I could sit & sob about what to pack, even for one a night away, never mind a holiday! Well, I have found out soooo much about myself that I now have a wardrobe that suits my style/moods & work/leisure activities much better than I could imagine. Yes, I have said goodbye to some items & now know 'why' they never made me feel fab wearing them, but I have lots of healthy choices for all occasions, including some fabulous new things. Thanks so much Lisa, such a patient & supportive 'consultant'.
Sue McFarlane
Your guide to confidence with colour & clothes
I'd love to help YOU get rid of your WTF symptoms!
My book launch is getting closer by the day and the excitement is building. Of course, I'm now thinking about what I should wear and fancy something new and sparkly so I need to pull my finger out and get shopping!
If you fancy a preview before you put your hand in your pocket sign up to this list today and get the first pages in your inbox. Let me know what you think.
OR you can just go for it and buy the book
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