Super Savvy Style : Online Course
Project FAB! 4 Step Framework to Personal Style & Image Confidence

Get clear on the styles that suit your personality, the colours that suit your complexion and the best shapes to flatter your figure.
I will be sharing some of my best stylist secrets that will help you understand WHY some things work for you and others don't.
You'll be able to pull outfits together with ease and have a wardrobe that works for you beautifully.
I know that you want to LOOK GOOD and FEEL FAB in your clothes.
The problem is you have a wardrobe full of stuff but you still feel like you’ve got nothing to wear.
Maybe you’re tired of wasting money on clothes that end up at the back of the wardrobe unworn?
And then what about the time you waste trying to find something that is just right?
stuck in rut |
want to experiment and have fun |
worried about looking like mutton dressed as lamb |
not sure where to start |
not sure what suits you any more |
worried about seeming vain |
Let me help you find CLARITY around your personal style.
I’ll show you how to choose colours and clothes so that you HAVE FUN, feel COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT
and actually ENJOY your wardrobe. You will be safe in the knowledge that you’re EXPRESSING your IDENTITY,
in clothes that suit your LIFESTYLE and most of all feel perfect for YOU.
Enjoy your wardrobe as you explore and experiment with colours and styles.
Let your personal style convey the person YOU are today across all areas of your life.
Feel comfortable and confident that you are wearing clothes that are just perfect for YOU.
The Project FAB! 4 Step Framework
1: Style Speaks
This step is about working out why you like what you like and WHAT your PERSONAL STYLE actually is.
When you have this bit sussed all of sudden it becomes clear why you have things in your wardrobe that you never wear and why that necklace that aunty Bridget bought you for your 40th birthday has never seen the light of day. You’ll be able to stop wrestling with those hangers in your wardrobe as you no longer compromise and have a streamlined wardrobe that makes you smile when you open it.
Covering topics such as first impressions, your style personality and style statement
2: Colour Talks
This step is about working out YOUR best colours to wear and how to put them together, so they truly ENHANCE your features.
When you have your colour, palette sorted you will save time and money because the items in your wardrobe will all coordinate beautifully, shopping becomes easier and more focused PLUS you’ll have a radiance about your skin and your eyes will sparkle. You’ll be leaving the boring black behind as you feel invigorated and excited to bring colour into your world.
Covering topics such as colour analysis, signature colours, rescuing colours
3: Figure Flattering Style
This step is where you learn about YOUR body type, shape and proportions so you can select styles that work with you rather than against your natural shape.
When you know about style guidelines it becomes obvious why that jacket has never looked right on you but looks amazing on your friend Karen. You will be able to quickly and easily filter out those less than confidence building clothes that really aren’t doing you any favours.
Covering topics such as shape, type, proportion, enhancing and disguising
4: Lifestyle
This step is where you begin to analyse HOW to make your wardrobe work for you in a practical way so that the contents are earning their keep.
When you start to look at your lifestyle needs and shop savvily to there’s no more buying for buying’s sake or having loads of nice going out clothes but nothing that lights you up for work. You’ll know where your wardrobe gaps are, and shop with focus, so that you end up buying fewer items but actually loving and wearing those that you’ve got. #
Covering topics such as capsule concepts, levels of dressing, workhorses and heroes
"A wardrobe full of clothes, but typically nothing to wear!
I got my mojo back and it feels good to be me again. Any new purchases I now make I know are right for me, so I don’t waste money just buying things to take home which then hang in my wardrobe for years without being worn! "
Here's how it works
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Once you've registered you'll receive log in details and get access to my Super Savvy Style online self study programme.
Work through the downloadable resources and bite sized video content at your own pace to suit your schedule.
Experience joy and freedom as you find it easier to put together nice outfits that genuinely suit you and make you look and FEEL good.
Get your mojo back!
As founder of the 4 step Project FAB! framework I draw on my background in textiles, fashion design, make up and experience as a lecturer to deliver consultations and online mentoring packages. No judgement or fashion police just compassion and fun combined with expertise to help you suss your style and be more you.
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