Life is so much easier
I know for sure that I look the part
Here's the fabulous Pam Burrows - People Booster answering questions submitted by the members of my Style Sisterhood group...
1. What type of thing(s) have you done with Lisa?
I’ve had my colours done, a wardrobe weed and various ad hoc advice about particular outfits or events.
2. What actually happens?
Lisa adapts her whole approach to the person she’s working with, she makes you feel at ease. She asks questions to help her help you but that also help you realise lots of things about how and why you buy/choose/wear/or don’t. It’s like a gentle sort of therapy that helps you let o of some of the fears about how you show up in the world.
3. What made you think about working with Lisa?
She offered ;) And because I trusted her to help me in ways I could never have helped myself
4. How did you feel before?
A bit stupid and lost on the occasions when it really mattered how I looked. I felt lost when choosing, buying, and hugely lost when putting different items together to form an outfit.
5. How did you feel during the process?
I felt comfortable and excited, the more work I did with Lisa, the more I realised the possibilities that she opens up for you.
6. How did you feel afterwards?
I felt confident and calm when I chose what to wear. Shopping was easier – and I saved money on not buying the things I wouldn’t even wear!
7. Did you have any reservations about working with Lisa? what made you decide to go ahead and do it anyway?
Any reservations might have been about feeling judged but they were unfounded. Lisa honours your unique style, body shape, foibles and fears and helps you find a way through that is more you than you’ve ever been.
8. Did it make a difference to what you wore in terms of easy of putting things together?
Yes, that was one of my big skill gaps!
9. Did she get you to try anything that made you feel really uncomfortable?
No. In fact the only time I’ve been uncomfortable since is when I put on things I’ve had for ages and hardly worn. I try them on and now I know why they’re not right for me and they go straight in the charity bag!
10. Did you have to strip off?
No. Even when advising on underwear, Lisa is adept at helping you understand without having to strip off.
11. Did the clothes sit right with your personality? Comfort factor?
Yes, whenever Lisa advises me on particular items, they sit better with my personality and comfort factor than almost anything I might have chosen for myself.
12. Did you have to go out and get loads of new things or could you sort some out to go even if not perfect?
(Don’t understand second part of question) No, there were a few key pieces that I needed to fill obvious gaps, but they didn’t need to be expensive and were simple to choose.
13. Have you cleared out any clothes that you now know why you didn't/couldn't/didn't feel right wearing?
Yes, see answer 9 too. The light dawned and I understood why I would put things on then take them straight off again.
14. How much more room have your got in your wardrobe?
There was space. Now it’s filled up again ;)
15. How easy was it to follow the recommendations afterwards?
Quite easy. Although I’ll never have to eye for colour that Lisa has. I will still need her expertise in situations when it’s really important for me to get it right. That’s ok with me, I value her expertise and it’s fabulous to have her in my corner like a secret weapon when I need to look the part.
16. Have you found it easier to choose your clothes for a day/eve/work/function/holiday?.......

17. How easy is it to find clothes that fit with the colours that work for you now you’ve been “Lisa’d”?
See 15 too, I still need help but that’s ok. I know what colours to find, the shapes that look best on me and the style to stay away from!
18. On a scale of 1-10 how much did you enjoy shopping before and now after?
19. What difference did it make to you? (immediately/months on)
I used to buy clothes I’d seen on tall willowy people, because I wanted to look tall and willowy. Lisa helped me realise they did the opposite!
Now, when I’m working at an important event, I know for sure that I look the part and feel comfortable from beginning to end, not praying for the end so I can take off something too tight or otherwise not right for me.
20. Has anyone else noticed a difference in you/your appearance/confidence?
All the time. This has blown me away. I can be wearing something quite simple but because it’s the right colour and style, people will comment on how well I look – even when I’m under-the-weather!
21. What surprised you?
How much it affected my confidence. Not having to worry about what I’m wearing (before, during and after events) freed me up to concentrate on the job of speaking and reassured me that I looked right for the job.
Also, when I’m working away from home, I’m less stressed about what to take because I know what works. It means I don’t take all the ‘just in case’ things as well, so I travel lighter.
22. What was the single best result from working with Lisa?
Having a wardrobe that works – all of the time. I could probably grab items with my eyes shut and it wouldn’t look as bad an outfit as the jumbles I used to put together! Everything I have goes with the other things and life is so much easier.
23. What advice do you have for anyone else who is thinking about it?
Just get on and do it, whatever your situation, you’ll feel less stressed and more confident. But if looking the part matters professionally, you can’t afford not to sort out how you appear to others, and know that you’re getting it right every time.
24. How best to prepare for a session with Lisa?
I don’t think you have to do any big prep really, but knowing how you’d like people to see you is a useful starting point.
25. Do you still stick with stuff she told you?
Almost to the letter. She knows her stuff and I’m confident in that. I’m not messing with it! It’s not worth it, if I get it wrong, I’ll really miss this feeling I have when it’s all falling into place beautifully, and I have nothing to worry about.
Tagged as: Case Study
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