FAB Advice for Business & Life
Wise Women in Business Share Tips
This month I’m all about showcasing the amazing members of the FAB Business Club. I’ve created a FABVENT calendar which is a daily mini video introducing each member and saying a little bit about them and their business. I’ve also been recording showcase interviews with the members too, over the past couple of months.
It actually blows my mind when I think about the combined skills, knowledge and experience we have within the membership, approximately 1000+ years’ if we added it all together! It’s always worth tapping into the trusted FABipedia if you need info or advice.
One of the questions I’ve been asking is what they know now that they wish they’d known at the start of their business. It’s been really interesting, so this week I’ve collated a few nuggets of their FAB wisdom for you.
Nuggets of Wisdom
1: Embrace Your Uniqueness.
You don’t have to follow the crowd or try to fit your square peg-ness into a round hole. Your unique perspective and personality can set you apart from others doing similar work. Embracing your uniqueness can help you create a brand that truly reflects who you are and what you stand for. You have the freedom to explore and experiment with different ideas, tailoring them until you find the perfect fit for you.
Embracing your uniqueness can also help you attract the right clients. People want to work with individuals who are authentic and passionate about what they do. When you create a brand that speaks to your ideal clients, and they will be more likely to connect with you on a deeper level.
2: Listen To Your Intuition.
Trust your gut. Trusting your intuition in business can be a powerful tool for success. Although it may seem risky to rely on your gut feeling, intuition can guide you towards making the decision that is right for you. Cultivate self-awareness. You need to be in tune with your own thoughts and emotions to hear your intuition. Meditation, mindfulness practices, and journaling can all help you become more in touch with your inner voice.
Also, pay attention to your physical sensations. Your body can often give you clues about whether something feels right or wrong, might be in your stomach or shoulders feeling tight. Or maybe you feel a sense of lightness when you think about your decision.
Things to Remember
3: Believe In Yourself.
It's common to feel like you’re not good enough. Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon that many people experience, it can make you doubt yourself.
One of the most important things to remember is that you're not alone. Many successful people, including well-known figures like Maya Angelou and Tom Hanks, have talked openly about their experiences with imposter syndrome. overcoming imposter syndrome requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and personal growth. It's okay to feel uncertain or insecure, but don't let it hold you back from pursuing your goals. Trustin your abilities and celebrate your successes.
4: Network
I didn’t even know what this was when I first started in business! Networking involves building relationships which can lead to valuable support, resources, opportunities, and partnerships. As a solopreneur it can be lonely, and it helps when you have a strong network of contacts who get it.
Another benefit of networking is that it can help you to build your reputation and establish your brand. you become more visible, and This can lead to new business opportunities, as well as increased credibility.
5: Create Boundaries.
These are necessary to protect yourself from being taken advantage of and to keep yourself on track to your goals. It might be that you set yourself working time in your diary and leave the washing up until later. It might be not answering the phone when your chatty friend calls for a quick catch up while they’re driving so you can keep them company. It might be not giving mates rates, doing unpaid ‘favours’ or saying no sometimes without feeling guilty. It might be prioritising self-care or charging your worth. You’ll know where you could tighten up your boundaries. It’s also your responsibility to communicate them clearly so that people are aware if they might be crossing them. This stops you feeling resentful later.
Sisterly Advice
6: Stay In Your Own Lane
When you start looking around and comparing yourself to others it can knock you off course. Comparisonitis steals confidence and joy. You lose your direction and focus. It can also make you feel that you’re not doing as well as you “should be”. A helpful strategy is to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. It can be easy to get caught up in negative self-talk but try to reframe your thoughts in a positive way. For example, instead of dwelling on what you don't know, remind yourself of the things you do know and the skills you've developed.
7: No Formal Business Plan Required
As long as you keep moving towards goals and never lose sight of your values and your passions you don’t need something neatly presented in a folder. At the end of the day, the most fulfilling and successful businesses are those that are built on a foundation of passion and purpose. Stay true to yourself, your values, and your mission, and you will attract clients, customers, and team members who share your vision and are invested in your success.
8: Invest In Yourself.
Get a coach/mentor who’s got the skills to help you achieve your goals. Don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance when you need it. Seek out mentors and role models who can help you navigate the roller coaster of being self-employed and offer support and guidance. Connect with likeminded individuals, learn from them, and support each other along the way – pretty much like we do in the FAB Business Club.
Think Business, Not Hobby
9: Know Your Numbers.
This is my personal tip. It’s easy to stick your head in the sand around the nitty gritty of the admin and accounts when you first start in business. I’m embarrassed to admit that up until a few years ago I was that ostrich. I used to save up my receipts all year, stuffing them into a Sainsbury’s bag that was stashed in my filing (total misnomer) cabinet. Then come January, I’d start panicking because I couldn’t remember my reference number to file my tax return. I’d also have to sort through and reconcile 12 months’ worth of books.
As you can imagine, it was a task that I didn’t enjoy and would put off doing until the last possible minute. I had no idea how much profit (or not) I’d made and did no analysis whatsoever of expenses, return on investment etc. I just used to hope for the best.
These days I have help from a trusted advisor, she’d like me to do my accounts weekly, but I’ve not changed *that* much. I do them monthly and she checks everything for me and keeps me on track every two months. I feel much more grown up as a result, no end of year surprises these days.
Look After Yourself
10: Fill Your Own Cup First.
When you fly and they do the safety demo they always tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. Filling your own cup is the same concept. If your cup is full, you can give abundantly from it. Being a martyr and giving from an empty cup serves no one properly.
It can feel hard as a solopreneur to take time off to rest. You think your business will start to go down the pan if you take your foot off the pedal. It doesn’t. I saw a meme recently that said something like “self-employment- working 80 hours a week for yourself to avoid working 40 hours a week for someone else”. You wouldn’t work for a boss who told you that you weren’t allowed any breaks or weekends off.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and your clients to take time out and stay on top of your game. Use scheduling tools on your socials if you feel you have to but plan in some downtime. Have you planned to time off over Christmas?
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