Reclaiming Your Style and ConfidenceFrom Frumpy to Fabulous 

Let’s face it, midlife can bring its own unique set of challenges including a fair share of style trials. From fluctuating weight and ‘menopause middle’, to feeling out of touch with current trends, all mixed in with not wanting to look like mutton dressed as lamb, it’s easy to find yourself in a style rut. it can be tough to feel confident and put together. But fear not, fabulous Queenager! With a few tweaks to your wardrobe and the way you approach getting dressed, you can not only look amazing but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world. Because let’s be clear, feeling good about how you look isn’t about vanity; it’s about confidence. And for women in business, confidence is everything. 

My Style Transformation: From Baggy Clothes to Bold Statements 

I know firsthand what it's like to feel lost in a style rut. I remember a time when I felt invisible. I call this the ‘Treble F’ period (fat, fed up, and frumpy) and I’d lost my mojo completely. After years of juggling a demanding business, family life, and battling with depression my personal style had taken a backseat. I’d find myself reaching for the same old, ‘slimming black’ comfortable clothes, lacking inspiration and feeling increasingly frumpy. 
I was that woman hiding in baggy clothes, living in hope of fitting back into my pre-baby jeans. But then I realised that my external appearance was directly impacting my internal confidence and sense of self. It was time for a change. The turning point came when I decided enough was enough. I ditched the too-small clothes and embraced a new approach, dressing for the body I had, not the one I wished for. 
This was the beginning of my style journey. I rediscovered the power of colour and fit, and how they could transform not just my appearance but my mindset. It was about finding clothes that made me feel confident and empowered, not just OK. 
The first thing I bought was a simple tunic, but it was a game-changer. Hidden beneath its black and white pattern was the story of a woman reclaiming her identity. For years, I had been trapped in that world of black, baggy clothes, a prisoner of my own body image. But that all changed when I dared to step outside my comfort zone and embrace a new style. 

Reclaiming Your Style and Confidence 

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of style advice out there. Where do you start? It's easy to feel bombarded with conflicting trends and body types. The key is to focus on what works for you, not what everyone else is wearing. 
Thankfully, when I came out of the other side of the “Treble F” days, I found myself again with knobs on and having been there, this is now a powerful part of my story that resonates with some of the women I work with. They like that I have compassion and can understand their fears. 
They each have different ‘final straw’ moments that have made them bite the bullet and value themselves enough to make the call. For some it’s business related, they recognise that to step up in their career/business they need to be more visible. For others it’s more to do with self-worth and putting themselves first for a change. 

Overcoming Common Style Challenges 

Some of the women I work with are excited but nervous at the same time once they’ve decided to work with me. Here is a selection of some reservations they’ve disclosed. (I’m sure there are more I haven’t heard yet.) 
I should know how to dress myself by now... 
One of the biggest hurdles is often feeling like you should just know how to dress yourself by now. It's as if there's an invisible rulebook that everyone else has read except you. But let's shatter that myth. Style is a journey, not a destination, and it's never too late to learn and evolve. 
Some have even had their colours and style done before and still they are making mistakes with their purchases. 
Let me tell you why this happens. 
Most image professionals start their style training with a manual with to work out the best style and colour for you and although it helps and can give an initial boost of confidence, over time that confidence can wane because you don’t understand *why* it works. 
This is where my background in lecturing, textiles/fashion design and colour have given me an advantage. 
What I promise is that when you work with me you will go much deeper. You will get to really know yourself and what works for you. You will change how you think when you look in the mirror and will learn to be kinder to yourself and make informed choices. 
I feel guilty about spending money on myself. 
It would be easy for me to tell you that you ARE worth it but it is up to you to believe it. I know how hard it can be to take that leap and invest in yourself – I’ve been there. 
Think about who will benefit from you being happier and more confident in yourself not just in the way you dress? What do you stand to gain from investing the money and then the ripple effect this will have on other areas of your life? 
Also, tot up how much money you have spent over the years on clothes that have ended up unworn and gone to the charity shop eventually. What will it save you when this behaviour stops? 
It feels vain. 
It may go against the grain to be thinking about how you look, that’s ok because working with me is not just about what’s on the outside. It’s as much about how you feel on the inside too. My work is more about compassion than fashion. You will be disappointed if you are expecting lots of talk around the latest trends and who wore what at the Oscars – that’s just not my area of interest. 
It might seem frivolous and shallow to my family/friends/colleagues. 
Often worrying about what others think is part of the reason we have lost sight of our identity and style in the first place. You will learn to do what works for you regardless of what other’s think. 
I’d be loath to ditch colours and clothes I love if you tell me, they don’t suit me. 
My work is all about helping you look and FEEL good. I don’t actually ‘tell’ anything. I will, however, teach you to understand why things feel right so you can make informed decisions. 
In my experience it is unlikely that everything in your wardrobe is wrong and it is more likely that the way they are being put together is the issue. 
My way of working is much more about encouraging and guiding you to make choices that feel right for you, rather than what is in fashion or what the ‘rules’ say you ‘should’ be wearing. 
Own Your Style 
So, there you have it. A little pep talk, a dash of inspiration, and a sprinkle of practical advice. Remember, style is a powerful tool that can boost your confidence and elevate your overall well-being. It's about feeling good in your skin, regardless of age or shape. 
My mission is to help women rediscover their personal style and embrace their individuality. If you're ready to step out of your comfort zone and create a wardrobe that makes you feel fabulous, I'm here to support you. 
Let's redefine what it means to age gracefully. It's about embracing our unique beauty and owning our style. We've got this! 
FAB Business Club : female authentic ballsy 
This community is really special. It's got the most amazing vibe going on. It’s a safe space where you can metaphorically fling off your bra. It’s women empowering women and providing a circle of support because being in business can be a lonely place. 
It's a supportive business network with personal development and a heart centred vibe at the core of the community – no pressured referrals or other stuff you don’t like about networking. It’s birds of a feather networking and growing their businesses together, sharing collective wisdom, a place to thrive and celebrate camaraderie. It’s a space where you feel like you have come home. Take the quiz to see if it's a good fit for you. 
We have monthly meetings, online and face to face events. Your first meeting is free, hit me up for a complimentary 'Golden Ticket' to see if we're a good fit. 
The paid membership includes an option to upgrade your networking to include personal style and brand mentoring with me. There's also free FB group if you’re not ready to invest just yet. Come and join in the conversation. 
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